Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 6

This ad poster was for Brazil's CVV Suicide Prevention Center. Their tagline is "Help yourself." I think what attracts me the most to this poster is the cut out of a man falling out, but at the same catching himself. Although the cut out is at the bottom-right, the advertisement is still very balanced because of the textual information on the top-left. This advertisement also uses the relationship between positive and negative very well.

(Source: Lawrence Yang)

As the artist, Lawrence Yang, illustrated the new Pepsi logo, this is also what I think of when I see the new Pepsi logo. I am not a very big fan of the redesign for the logo; it also irritates me whenever I'm at Powell Muni Station and I see all the advertisement posters for Pepsi and you can't forget the large poster of it right by Chinatown. It's so large, how can you miss it? Yes, the logo tries hard to make a new MODERN and MINIMAL statement for Pepsi and I know that each type of soda that they provide has a similar logo, but the width of the white space in the middle is a bit different. Originally, it is supposed to resemble a face grinning or something like that, but I don't see it as that because in my mind, I feel like the new Pepsi logo is giving the statement that only people who are already overly-Obese drink their products or, this is what you will end up looking like after religiously drinking Pepsi. I don't think that's a good way to portray Pepsi, if they want to sell more.

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