Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 13

There are many things that I want to dab into for Visual Design Communication. Can you tell which two I'm interested from looking at these pictures above?

I'm interested in Package Design and Advertising. Ever since I can remember (more like middle school), I have always been very passionate in advertising. I used to rip advertisements from magazine that I thought were clever. I still have a large pile of them in my room back in home. Since I have two older brothers, one of them who is very passionate about cars, Volkswagen is a big influence. Ever since I was little, my oldest brother has been lecturing to me about cars and since my family is very into European cars, Volkswagen just happened to be something that was part of my childhood. I always thought that Volkswagen advertisements were very clever and simple to understand. The layout of their advertisements are very nice. They are very visually driven, but they have enough text to support their pictures.

The other picture is of some creative package design that I thought was quite interesting since I am Chinese and at the moment, I am learning how to write in Chinese characters. So, nice concept for package design plus Chinese makes my day! In a way, Package Design is very similar to Printed Advertisements because they are both trying to appeal to their audience. The same amount of thought goes into both. To me, I think the only contrast between the two is that package design is something that can be kept if it is a good and durable. Where as, an advertisement is trying to sell you the product or image. Though, neither can go against the world market alone. Package Design is like the extra touch for your final decision.

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