Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 10: Extra Credit #1

(Source: The Dieline)

This design was made by a Spanish design student, Nuria Herrero, who recently did a project with "Herederos de López-Montero" wine. He created three labels for the three types of wine they offer.

In the picture above are:
- Young wine (2008)
- Aging wine (2006)
- Vintage wine (1989)

The dominance of the color black is significant to the depth because it doesn't distract your attention from what is visible and important. Also, the colors Nuria Herrero implements, brings a strong contrast to the color. The colors used in each bottle are indicated on the very top of the bottle, making it easy to identify what type of wine it is, whether it be young, aging, or vintage. I think that this design is simple enough to understand and easy to spot when looking at a grocery store. It's a very modern approach for wine package design.

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